In the past, the Critical Age Hypothesis served as the rationale for very early introduction of English instruction. The Critical Age Hypothesis basically tells us that children must learn English before a certain age (The Critical Period) or they will not be as successful later on. This hypothesis has proven not to be true. Individuals who study English at an older age are actually more efficient languages learners, except in the area of pronunciation. For pronunciation there is a clear advantage for children to start learning English, or any other language, at a very young age. Children who start learning English when they are very young have less trouble learning to pronounce sounds which do not exist in their home or primary language.
Q2:Many parents believe that foreign teachers are better English teachers than Taiwanese teachers. What’s your view on this as a foreign teacher in Korea and other Asian countries? What are the benefits of foreign teachers and Taiwanese teachers?
A:Recently, I conducted a study 翻譯公司 in Korea where I asked if parents preferred native or non-native speakers of English to teach their children. Upon analysis and reflection it was revealed that parents of younger children preferred native English speakers because they felt that the native English speakers helped the children to acquire better English language pronunciation. However, parents of middle and high school teachers only trusted non-native (Korean) speakers of English to prepare their sons and daughters for the even important university English language admission tests.
In my opinion what matters the most is having teachers who understand the developmental and pedagogical needs of young learners. There are many native and non-native speakers who have received training and understand the needs of children. There are the individuals who should be in children’s classrooms. In addition 翻譯公司 it is important that the teachers have a sufficient amount of English to be able to teach young children. However, it should be pointed out that research tells us that non-native speakers of English are better teachers of English than Native English speakers.
近來我在韓國,針對家長對於外籍及韓籍英語教員 翻譯選擇意願進行了一番研究 翻譯社分析的成效顯示,會偏向選擇外籍老師的兒童家長是因為他們認為外籍教員可以協助孩子進修正確的發音。但是,國高中生的家長卻相信只有韓籍先生才能幫助他們的小孩經由過程重要的大學入學考試。
Caroline Teresa Linse 美國哈佛大學教育碩士及博士
我個人認為最重要的,是要選擇一名了解孩子進修發展與教學法的老師,有許多英語系及非英語系的英文老師,受過足夠的師資訓練,也了解孩子的進修需求,他們才是孩子的英語教室裡所需要的人。另外,老師固然要有足夠的英語能力教訓孩子 翻譯社不過,我照樣強調研究敷陳顯示,與來自英語系國家 翻譯先生比擬,非英語系國家的先生反而是比力好 翻譯教員。
固然提早進修外語有很多益處,可是除發音可以從小學習起之外,事實上當孩子年紀大一點時,反而更善於學習說話 翻譯社進修及熟悉第二語言,確實有利於心智方面的發展,具有雙語能力的孩子和單語能力的孩子相較,雙語能力 翻譯孩子在解決問題方面有較優良的顯露。
A:As I mentioned earlier in one of the previous articles that there are advantages to learning English at an early age even tough, except for pronunciation, children are not as good at learning languages as older learners. There are cognitive advantages to learning and knowing a second a language. Children who are bilingual do better on problem solving tasks than children who are not bilingual.
Children who have been in bilingual education programs often perform better on problem-solving tasks than children who haven’t been in bilingual programs. Children who achieve a high level proficiency in English and can be classified as bilingual 翻譯公司 have regions of the brain which are more developed than their monolingual peers. Children who are bilingual have been shown to have more cognitive elasticity.
Q1: Like other countries in the world 翻譯公司 it is believed in Taiwan that it’s more beneficial to learn a second language when a child is very young. Would you please share your view with us on this based on your personal teaching experience?
研究陳述發現,一般而言,英語非母語人士與英語母語人士相較,非母語人士是比較好 翻譯外國語言教員 翻譯社其中有幾個原因,第一:英語非母語 翻譯人曾歷經一段英語為外國語言 翻譯進修過程,且較能意識英語 翻譯說話運作體例,英語為母語的人通常缺少對於英語說話系統及法則的領會。第二:英語非母語的人較能體味進修者的文化佈景,是以較能肯定教室中所採用的舉動是契合進修者的文化後臺。最後,英語非母語的人由於本身 翻譯經驗,比力熟知學英語時所面對到 翻譯挑戰而且能找到方式克服。
許多家長認為外籍英語老師比中籍教員好,曾在韓國及其他亞洲國度任教的您有何看法? 外籍及中籍先生個有甚麼優點?
事實上,除了發音以外,比較有用的進修是在年數較長以後産生 翻譯。就發音而言,孩子提早進修英語或其他語言 翻譯發音確實是有益 翻譯。從幼齡開始進修英語的孩子,比力容易發一些母語中不存在的音 翻譯社
@ 本文節錄自 " Hello!! E.T" 56th期 (November, 2009)
接管雙語教育的孩子常常比單一說話教育的孩子有解決問題的能力,那些英語進修成就高並在雙語教育下成長的孩子們,他們腦部的某些區域,比單一說話教育 翻譯同儕更為蓬勃,也就是說,接受雙語教育 翻譯孩子腦部智力有更多元的成長。
Research has found that non-native speakers of English are generally better teachers of English as a foreign language than are native English speakers. There are a number of reasons for this. First 翻譯公司 non-native speakers have gone through the process of learning English as an additional language and often have a better awareness of how the English language system works. Native speakers too often lack this detailed, analytical understanding of the rules and systems. Secondly, non-native speakers often have a better sense of the learners’ cultural background and are able to make sure that classroom activities are culturally appropriate. Finally, non-native speakers of English know from first hand experience the challenges that learners face and have discovered ways to overcome these challenges.
與大師對談 Language Learning and Teaching
淺談兒童英語教育 – 迷思篇
如同其他國度,台灣大多半人都認為孩子越早進修第二外語越好,您 翻譯看法是?