■ it was nothing. 小事不足掛齒。
anita: you trip in your heels, too?
■ it’s my pleasure. 我的僥幸
遭到他人扶助或贈與禮品,我們通常會向對方叩謝,除默示感謝感動(appreciation),也是根基禮節(manners) 翻譯社當我們釀成被感激 翻譯對象時,英文除以 you’re welcome.(不虛心 翻譯社)和 no problem.(沒什麼。)回應,其實還有很多種說法。以下會話和用語供給你更多選擇,教你若何說「不客氣」!
ron: trust me. it happens to me all the time.
。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯阿朗:相信我,我也總是發生這種事。
■ don’t thank me. it was all you. 沒必要謝我,都是你本身的勞績 翻譯社
安妮塔:我不該該詭計一次拿這麼多工具 翻譯社
■ that’s what i am here for. 那是我該做 翻譯。
anita: oh 翻譯公司 no! i’ve dropped everything!
【small talk適用小會話】
■ don’t worry about it. 別掛心。
ron: let me help you with that.
■ don’t mention it. 沒必要客套。
anita: i should know better than to try to carry all this at one time.
■ glad to help. 很歡快能幫上忙。
ron: ha-ha.
anita: thanks. you’re such a gentleman for helping me.
■ anytime. 隨時高興願意幫忙。
■ i’m happy to do it. 我很願意這麼做 翻譯社
ron: no need to thank me. i’ll probably need your help when i drop everything next time!
本文取材自《英文流利大師english guru:ez talk 總編嚴選特刊(內附1書1mp3)》
■ no need to thank me. 你沒必要謝我。
文章出自: https://udn.com/news/story/6904/1348723有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢華碩翻譯社